
5 Wacky Dating Ideas

People who have been dating for a long time can sometimes be bored of the same old routine. Spicing things up a little bit can make for a fun dating relationship, and taking the initiative to plan an unusual date will make you a hero in your date's eyes.

Here are 5 ideas for unusual dates that won't soon be forgotten!

1. Purchase two disposable cameras and go to a large place, like the mall, a museum, the park, or even the library, and play tag. Try to snap pictures of the other person until both of your cameras are full. Drop the cameras off at a one hour photo center, go out for dinner, and pick up the photos when you're done and see who snapped more pictures of whom.

2. Call your date at work and tell him or her that you're going to have a scavenger hunt. Have them call you on their cell phone for clues, which you give, that lead them from place to place, as they buy cheese and wine and a loaf of French bread and a tablecloth. Then they can drive by your house, pick you up, and you can go to the park for a picnic. This is the beginning of a memorable date that doesn't even involve much work on your part!

3. Do good in the world by spending a Friday evening at a local soup kitchen. This date may not seem like it would be very fun, but you'll be surprised. Aside from building good memories, you will be helping the less fortunate. You will look back on this date with great fondness.

4. Rent a limousine for the afternoon. This is not as expensive as it sounds, since they are probably cheaper during the day anyway, and if you do this instead of eating at a fancy restaurant and going to movie, it may cost about the same. Go to a drive-through restaurant, run your errands, and maybe even go to a drive-in movie. Basically, you might do the same things you would normally do, but you'll be doing it in style!

5. Play tic-tac-toe... but test drive cars at the same time! Before your date, draw a tic-tac-toe grid and fill in the spaces with types of cars or colors of cars. Then each of you take turns going to a dealership and posing as an interested buyer with the other person tagging along for support. Once you take in a car for a test drive, you get to mark your "X" or "O" on your grid. Don't let the salesperson see!

Keeping your dating life interesting and entertaining doesn't have to be expensive or hard work. All you need is some ingenuity and creativity and you'll be sure to have a great time.

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