
What You Should Know About Online Dating and Background Checks

Currently, much controversy exists regarding online dating and background checks. Some states are suggesting that legislation require dating websites to perform background checks on its members, or inform people that they do not. Quite a stir in the online dating world and with members, has been created about background checking rules.

Controversy began when the online dating scene was just starting. It happened with a website that signed an exclusive contract with the Internets largest background checking service, so that members could be certain they were not conversing with criminals. At first, this might seem like a good idea, since it would protect daters from sharing personal information with people that have been known as sexual offenders, or have committed fraud or other criminal acts. However, this website then started urging legislation be developed to require dating websites to perform background checks.

This particular website had an exclusive contract and would force other websites to use expensive background checking tools, and caused subscription fees to be more expensive. This was controversial and created a lot of free advertising for the initial background checking website. To say the least, it was a way to rise above the competition. It, however, did not come to light until many politicians had already jumped on with the background checking idea.

Checking a person's background can be a good thing. It can prevent recurring online scams, and help people feel safe about utilizing online dating websites. But, it's also a type of privacy invasion, and many people will avoid dating websites because they do not agree to background checking. After all, people that were involved with undesirable activities, can and do change.

This is a situation that will be sure to be in the news for many years to come. Some states have already passed laws that require background checks. Users and dating websites have mixed feelings about this, but before you voice your opinion, be sure to understand both sides of the argument. Making background checks mandatory could create a better online dating service for everyone. However, it could also mean many of the free services would no longer be available, and subscription prices would surely increase.

You can learn more about online dating website background checks, in your state, by contacting your local legislator's office. Voicing your opinion can create change.

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